Campus Vital


ACTIVE BREAK – focus: shoulder-neck area

2025-02-26 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: shoulder-neck area“ (in German) on Wednesday, February 26 from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)

Breathwork: Air & Lunch Session (German)

2025-02-19 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on February 19th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)

ACTIVE BREAK (online): Eye training (German)

2025-01-29 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: Eye training & relaxation“ (in German) on Wednesday, January 29th from 11:30 am to 12:00 noon. (...)

BREATHWORK: Air & Lunch Session

2025-01-15 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on January 15th from 12:30 - 1:15 pm. (...)

CampusVital: BREATHWORK - Air & Lunch Session "Relax" (German)

2024-12-11 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on December 11th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)

ACTIVE BREAK (online): Fasciae (German)

2024-12-04 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: fasciae“ (in German) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)

Self-defense course

2024-11-20 | On Wednesday, November 20th, the next SELF DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)

BREATHWORK: Air & Lunch Session "Problem Shifting" (German)

2024-11-13 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on November 13th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)

Self-care in caring for relatives (German)

2024-11-07 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture „Self-care in caring for relatives" on Thursday, November 7th from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. (...)

Enigmatic brains – causes of dementia in young and old (German)

2024-11-06 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture "Enigmatic brains – causes of dementia in young and old" on Wednesday, November 6th from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. (...)

Healthy sleep – Less Brooding at Night

2024-10-23 | CampusVital invites you to our online lecture “Healthy sleep - less brooding at night” (in English) on Wednesday, October 23 from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. (...)

Support for family caregivers (German)

2024-10-22 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture „Support for family caregivers " on Tuesday, October 22nd from 9:00 – 10:30 pm. (...)

BREATHWORK: Air & Lunch Session "Dust & Allergy" (German)

2024-09-25 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on September 25 from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)

CampusVital LOUNGE: Preventing osteoporosis - How does it work?

2024-09-10 | We cordially invite you to the next event of the CampusVital LOUNGE at Café rock-paper. (...)

PLAY WITH US: Badminton & Volleyball

2024-09-09 | These offers are free for campus employees as part of the corporate health management program. (...)

ACTIVE BREAK (online): Shoulder-neck area (German)

2024-07-10 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: shoulder-neck area“ (in German) on Wednesday, July 10 from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)

Self-defense course

2024-06-19 | On Wednesday, June 19, the next SELF-DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)

CampusVital Sportfest & Bergfest Wer radelt am meisten?/Who cycles the most?

2024-05-30 | You are cordially invited to SPORTS, GAMES & FUN. If you're up for some playful exercise in a casual after-work atmosphere, come to the CampusVital Sportfest mit Bergfest „Who cycles the most?“ on Thursday, May 30 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. on the meadow by the Blue Bear. (...)

CampusVital goes outdoor + Sportfest & WRAM Bergfest

2024-05-01 | CampusVital starts its outdoor program in May and invites you to the Campus Sportfest with WRAM Bergfest. (...)

Campus Bike Days: Bike Fitting & Bicycle Coding

2024-04-23 | On April 23 and 24, CampusVital is organizing the Campus Bike Days 2024 and cordially invites all interested parties to participate. (...)

Self Defense Course

2024-03-20 | On Wednesday, March 20, the next SELF DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)

PROKRASTINATION – Aufschieberitis erfolgreich managen / Procrastination (German)

2024-03-14 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture "Procrastination - successfully managing procrastination (in German)" on Thursday, March 14 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. (...)

BRAIN FITNESS - Chip tuning for the brain (German)

2023-12-11 | CampusVital invites you to a webinar on „Brain Fitness - chip tuning for the brain“ on December 11th from 2:00 - 3:00 pm. (...)

155,800 kilometers by bike - almost four times around the equator!

2023-07-25 | On-campus award ceremony of this year's "Who cycles the most?" competition (...)

Fitness studio gets new floor

2022-04-26 | From May 13 to 23, the studio in house D79 will be closed (...)

TK Lounge on site again

2022-03-31 | From 20 April, Rico Hildebrandt from the TK will once again be providing regular advice at the Berlin-Buch Campus (...)

How can you work healthier at a computer screen?

2022-03-11 | CampusVital invites you to a webinar on Staying Healthy While Spending A Lot Of Time Working On A Computer: Focus on "Lack of Movement & Circulation Activation" on March 17 from 2:30-4:00 pm (...)

Do I have a healthy back?

2022-03-09 | 15 March is International Back Health Day. CampusVital is participating with a campaign for campus employees. (...)

2G regulation comes into effect at CampusVital

2021-11-12 | From Monday, 15.11.2021, the so-called 2G regulation will apply at CampusVital. (...)

Come in! Free courses in October

2021-10-01 | Campusvital invites all campus employees to try out all courses for one month. (...)

Have fun on your bike: "Who cycles the most?" - in August and September

2021-07-07 | It's time again to ask: Who cycles the most?. Anyone can take part because participation is really the most important thing and every kilometer counts. (...)

Treated Wood - a new place for courses

2021-07-05 | CampusVital offers relaxation in the covered wooden pavilion (...)

Let´s play table tennis during the lunch break!

2021-05-12 | CampusVital wants to start the outdoor season in a fun and playful way and invites all table tennis enthusiasts – whether beginner, advanced or pro – to meet up and play a round of table tennis during your lunch break. (...)

Out into the green!

2021-04-28 | Starting now, outdoor courses will complement the CampusVital offer. The first course to start will be foot gymnastics with a small barefoot path. During the month, the offer will be expanded with a yoga course. (...)

Invitation to the "Mental Health Awareness Weeks" in March

2021-02-28 | Social distancing is important for containing the coronavirus, but it can cause stress and anxiety, thereby weakening our immune system. (...)

Relaxed into the evening with online yoga

2021-01-08 | CampusVital is offering two new courses via Jitsi that bring the working day to a close (...)

New course: Meditation

2020-11-10 | Starting from 4 November CampusVital will offer an online meditation course in English (...)

Health day for Shoulders and Neck

2020-11-02 | The TK Health Mobile offers a free 20-minute neck check for all employees; November 19 at the Campus Berlin-Buch and November 20 at BIMSB/MDC-Mitte. (...)

Temporary restriction of the sports offer

2020-10-30 | The CampusVital fitness studio will close from November 2nd - 30th. Instead of in-class courses Online Courses will be offered (...)

Course special only in August: Physical posture correction

2020-07-21 | Body posture is the most important thing for a healthy and pain-free body. (...)

"Who cycles the most?" - in August and September

2020-07-17 | In August and September, employees of 20 Berlin companies will compete with and against each other when it's time again to ask: Who cycles the most?. Anyone can take part because participation is really the most important thing and every kilometer counts. Everyone who participated before will discov (...)

New Offer: Online CampusVitalCard

2020-04-08 | Uncomplicated access to online courses for employees of the Campus (...)

Active Break now online!

2020-03-30 | Campus Vital is now offering a half hour training session per video twice a day for all Campus employees. (...)

New in 2020: From Meditation to Evening Yoga

2020-01-08 | Achieving and maintaining resilience (...)

Merry Christmas!

2019-12-16 | CampusVital wishes all employees of Campus Berlin-Buch a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (...)

CampusVital achieves good results

2019-12-04 | Evaluation of the survey is now available (...)

Buch campus cycles the most

2019-10-23 | The equivalent of almost 28 times around the equator – this was the distance covered by participants in the cycling competition “Wer radelt am meisten?” (Who cycles the most?). Berlin’s senator for sport announced the winners at a ceremony on Wednesday at the Olympiastadion. The Buch campus took fir (...)

Online Survey: Determine the offers of CampusVital!

2019-09-30 | Until November 8, campus employees can provide feedback on CampusVital's offer and make wishes. (...)

Gesundheitstage zur Resilienz "Stark sein – du kannst"

2019-09-23 | CampusVital lädt alle Campusbeschäftigten vom 6. - 8. November wieder zu einem umfangreichen Programm ein (...)

Good start into spring

2019-03-15 | The new CampusVitalCard is well received (...)

New Operator for CampusVital

2019-01-15 | From 2019, Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH will be running CampusVital health management (...)

Merry Christmas

2018-12-14 | CampusVital wishes all campus employees a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year 2019! (...)

Keep moving!

2018-03-27 | How can I integrate exercise into my daily work? How strong is my back and how well do the veins work? Am I sitting right at the desk? The Health Day on the Campus Buch was the answer to these and other questions on March 15, 2018. (...)

New Offering: TK Lounge on Campus Berlin-Buch

2017-09-01 | Invitation to the Opening on September 6th (...)

Successful Survey

2017-07-14 | The survey is evaluated. (...)

Award „Healthy Employees“ for Campus Buch

2017-07-14 | The Campus Berlin-Buch has been awarded for his occupational health management by the Corporate Health Network (...)

On your bikes, get set, go!

2017-05-30 | Starting in June, Campus Berlin-Buch will participate for the second time in the cycling challenge competition “Who cycles the most?” (...)

Come and join us! Participate in our survey about the offers of CampusVital

2017-05-18 | Until May 26, campus employees will be able to give feedback about the offers of CampusVital and formulate their wishes (...)

Campus Berlin-Buch Won the Competition "Who Cycles the Most?"

2016-10-26 | In the competition "Who Cycles the Most?" employees of large Berlin institutions count and add up their collective bicycle kilometers each year in August and September. In 2016 Campus Berlin-Buch participated for the first time. (...)

My will counts - living wills and health care proxies

2014-04-10 | CampusVital invites you to the keynote lecture "My will counts - living wills and health care proxies" on Wednesday, April 10 from 3:00-5:00 pm. (...)