2025-02-26 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: shoulder-neck area“ (in German) on Wednesday, February 26 from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)
2025-02-19 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on February 19th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)
2025-01-29 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: Eye training & relaxation“ (in German) on Wednesday, January 29th from 11:30 am to 12:00 noon. (...)
2025-01-15 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on January 15th from 12:30 - 1:15 pm. (...)
2024-12-11 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on December 11th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)
2024-12-04 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: fasciae“ (in German) on Wednesday, December 4th from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)
2024-11-20 | On Wednesday, November 20th, the next SELF DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)
2024-11-13 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on November 13th from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)
2024-11-07 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture „Self-care in caring for relatives" on Thursday, November 7th from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. (...)
2024-11-06 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture "Enigmatic brains – causes of dementia in young and old" on Wednesday, November 6th from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. (...)
2024-10-23 | CampusVital invites you to our online lecture “Healthy sleep - less brooding at night” (in English) on Wednesday, October 23 from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. (...)
2024-10-22 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture „Support for family caregivers " on Tuesday, October 22nd from 9:00 – 10:30 pm. (...)
2024-09-25 | CampusVital invites you to a breathing workshop (in German) on September 25 from 12:30 – 1:15 pm. (...)
2024-09-10 | We cordially invite you to the next event of the CampusVital LOUNGE at Café rock-paper. (...)
2024-09-09 | These offers are free for campus employees as part of the corporate health management program. (...)
2024-07-10 | CampusVital invites you to the online workshop "ACTIVE BREAK – focus: shoulder-neck area“ (in German) on Wednesday, July 10 from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm. (...)
2024-06-19 | On Wednesday, June 19, the next SELF-DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)
2024-05-30 | You are cordially invited to SPORTS, GAMES & FUN. If you're up for some playful exercise in a casual after-work atmosphere, come to the CampusVital Sportfest mit Bergfest „Who cycles the most?“ on Thursday, May 30 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. on the meadow by the Blue Bear. (...)
2024-05-01 | CampusVital starts its outdoor program in May and invites you to the Campus Sportfest with WRAM Bergfest. (...)
2024-04-23 | On April 23 and 24, CampusVital is organizing the Campus Bike Days 2024 and cordially invites all interested parties to participate. (...)
2024-03-20 | On Wednesday, March 20, the next SELF DEFENSE COURSE (in German & English) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!". (...)
2024-03-14 | CampusVital invites you to the online lecture "Procrastination - successfully managing procrastination (in German)" on Thursday, March 14 from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. (...)
2023-12-11 | CampusVital invites you to a webinar on „Brain Fitness - chip tuning for the brain“ on December 11th from 2:00 - 3:00 pm. (...)
2023-07-25 | On-campus award ceremony of this year's "Who cycles the most?" competition (...)
2022-04-26 | From May 13 to 23, the studio in house D79 will be closed (...)
2022-03-31 | From 20 April, Rico Hildebrandt from the TK will once again be providing regular advice at the Berlin-Buch Campus (...)
2022-03-11 | CampusVital invites you to a webinar on Staying Healthy While Spending A Lot Of Time Working On A Computer: Focus on "Lack of Movement & Circulation Activation" on March 17 from 2:30-4:00 pm (...)
2022-03-09 | 15 March is International Back Health Day. CampusVital is participating with a campaign for campus employees. (...)
2021-11-12 | From Monday, 15.11.2021, the so-called 2G regulation will apply at CampusVital. (...)
2021-10-01 | Campusvital invites all campus employees to try out all courses for one month. (...)
2021-07-07 | It's time again to ask: Who cycles the most?. Anyone can take part because participation is really the most important thing and every kilometer counts. (...)
2021-07-05 | CampusVital offers relaxation in the covered wooden pavilion (...)
2021-05-12 | CampusVital wants to start the outdoor season in a fun and playful way and invites all table tennis enthusiasts – whether beginner, advanced or pro – to meet up and play a round of table tennis during your lunch break. (...)
2021-04-28 | Starting now, outdoor courses will complement the CampusVital offer. The first course to start will be foot gymnastics with a small barefoot path. During the month, the offer will be expanded with a yoga course. (...)
2021-02-28 | Social distancing is important for containing the coronavirus, but it can cause stress and anxiety, thereby weakening our immune system. (...)
2021-01-08 | CampusVital is offering two new courses via Jitsi that bring the working day to a close (...)
2020-11-10 | Starting from 4 November CampusVital will offer an online meditation course in English (...)
2020-11-02 | The TK Health Mobile offers a free 20-minute neck check for all employees; November 19 at the Campus Berlin-Buch and November 20 at BIMSB/MDC-Mitte. (...)
2020-10-30 | The CampusVital fitness studio will close from November 2nd - 30th. Instead of in-class courses Online Courses will be offered (...)
2020-07-21 | Body posture is the most important thing for a healthy and pain-free body. (...)
2020-07-17 | In August and September, employees of 20 Berlin companies will compete with and against each other when it's time again to ask: Who cycles the most?. Anyone can take part because participation is really the most important thing and every kilometer counts. Everyone who participated before will discov (...)
2020-04-08 | Uncomplicated access to online courses for employees of the Campus (...)
2020-03-30 | Campus Vital is now offering a half hour training session per video twice a day for all Campus employees. (...)
2020-01-08 | Achieving and maintaining resilience (...)
2019-12-16 | CampusVital wishes all employees of Campus Berlin-Buch a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (...)
2019-12-04 | Evaluation of the survey is now available (...)
2019-10-23 | The equivalent of almost 28 times around the equator – this was the distance covered by participants in the cycling competition “Wer radelt am meisten?” (Who cycles the most?). Berlin’s senator for sport announced the winners at a ceremony on Wednesday at the Olympiastadion. The Buch campus took fir (...)
2019-09-30 | Until November 8, campus employees can provide feedback on CampusVital's offer and make wishes. (...)
2019-09-23 | CampusVital lädt alle Campusbeschäftigten vom 6. - 8. November wieder zu einem umfangreichen Programm ein (...)
2019-03-15 | The new CampusVitalCard is well received (...)
2019-01-15 | From 2019, Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH will be running CampusVital health management (...)
2018-12-14 | CampusVital wishes all campus employees a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year 2019! (...)
2018-03-27 | How can I integrate exercise into my daily work? How strong is my back and how well do the veins work? Am I sitting right at the desk? The Health Day on the Campus Buch was the answer to these and other questions on March 15, 2018. (...)
2017-09-01 | Invitation to the Opening on September 6th (...)
2017-07-14 | The survey is evaluated. (...)
2017-07-14 | The Campus Berlin-Buch has been awarded for his occupational health management by the Corporate Health Network (...)
2017-05-30 | Starting in June, Campus Berlin-Buch will participate for the second time in the cycling challenge competition “Who cycles the most?” (...)
2017-05-18 | Until May 26, campus employees will be able to give feedback about the offers of CampusVital and formulate their wishes (...)
2016-10-26 | In the competition "Who Cycles the Most?" employees of large Berlin institutions count and add up their collective bicycle kilometers each year in August and September. In 2016 Campus Berlin-Buch participated for the first time. (...)
2014-04-10 | CampusVital invites you to the keynote lecture "My will counts - living wills and health care proxies" on Wednesday, April 10 from 3:00-5:00 pm. (...)