Good start into spring
2019-03-15 | The new CampusVitalCard is well received

The new CampusVitalCard, which was introduced on 1 January 2019, has already been sold one hundred times. "The offer of attending all courses with the CampusVitalCard and being able to use the fitness studio permanently is very well received by campus employees," says Eileen Bauer, campus health manager. "We are delighted to have gained so many users after just two and a half months."
CampusVital offers campus employees a variety of courses, health days and coaching. The model project, which is unique in Germany, is supported jointly by the facilities and companies on the campus and significantly supported by the Techniker Krankenkasse. "More and more campus companies see it as an opportunity to participate and offer their employees added value," says Dr. Ulrich Scheller, Managing Director of Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH. "CampusVital is a contribution to making the campus sustainable and an attractive place to work. All the more reason for us to be pleased that our concept has been well received.“
Learn more about conditions and services of the CampusVitalCard here.