Campus Berlin-Buch Won the Competition "Who Cycles the Most?"
2016-10-26 | In the competition "Who Cycles the Most?" employees of large Berlin institutions count and add up their collective bicycle kilometers each year in August and September. In 2016 Campus Berlin-Buch participated for the first time.

The challenge cup was ceremonially presented by Isabell Heins, BVG (left). MDC-Employee and Member of „Green Campus“ Marion Rösch and Dr. Ulrich Scheller, CEO of the BBB Management GmbH, received the prize on behalf of the participating employees of the Campus Berlin-Buch.
The competition was originally initiated in 2012 between the Berlin public transport company (BVG), the Berlin municipal cleaning department (BSR) and the Berlin water utilities company and is now run under the umbrella organization of
"Who Cycles the Most” seeks to promote recreational sports, environmentally friendly transportation by bicycle, and team spirit. The objective of the campaign is to include people who ride their bicycles a lot as well as those who rarely cycle.
To calculate the winning company or institution, the total cycled kilometers are counted and the number of all participating employees is taken into consideration. That is why it is especially important that as many colleagues as possible participate, even if they only cycle a few kilometers. Each participant and each kilometer counts.
Participating Institutions 2016
1. Berlin Municipal Cleaning Department (BSR)
2. Berlin Public Transport Company (BVG)
3. Berlin Water Utilities Company (BWB)
4. Campus Berlin-Buch
5. Airport Berlin-Brandenburg
6. Investment Bank Berlin (IBB)
7. Vivantes
8. Housing Association GEWOBAG
A total of 1,467 people took part in the competition and cycled a total of 838,764 kilometers, a distance equivalent to 20 trips around the globe. Campus Berlin-Buch was the clear winner: During the 80 days, 233 employees cycled 129,950 kilometers on their way to and from work or in their leisure time.