Self-defense course
2025-03-19 15:30 - 2025-03-19 18:45
On Wednesday, March 19, the next SELF-DEFENSE COURSE (in English & German) with Jan Gebhardt will take place under the motto: "Take your safety into your own hands and learn to protect yourself!".
Train in a small group your mental strength, the conscious perception of body language and a practical defense against attacks.
Course content:
- reaction training
- striking and loosening techniques
- fundamental techniques for assertiveness
- simple & practical techniques, which can be implemented immediately
When: March 19, 2025 from 3:30 - 6:45 p.m. incl. 15 min break
Who: 5 to 8 participants
Where: course room of CampusVital, room 008 in house B55 / Oskar-und-Cécile-Vogt-Haus
Costs: 25,- € / 20 % discount for CampusVitalCard holders
Registration by March 17, 2025 at the latest by e-mail to: